Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Unpractical dreams and upgrades.

No-one knows how Life is ever going to turn out.

You don't, neither do I.

Usually, we do expect the worse, but hope for the best.
I often do, just like as other folks.

Many expect the best, and as a part-time job of mine, I join the bandwagon and start expecting the happy side of Life.

Matter of fact: there is absolutely nothing in this World that says you can't be happy if you want it, although 'haters' (a common term today) will give a thousand valid reasons stating why Life Has to be hard and painful.
I have learned the hard way that it can indeed be a tough time to live through, but the same hard way has taught me that I could still love my life.
It took a lifetime, and an even harder time to learn that it may not have to be that painful. And once I started looking back at the 'pain' that I now label as my 'learning process', things seem so much easier. Even the past hardships endured seem like remote memories. They were the Kilimanjaros that I had to climb to be where I am now.
The happy life I longed for, I always had it, but it took me some ordeals to understand the way things work. And now, even when I feel down and miserable, I know I am truly blessed, rich with what no money can buy, and happy in a way that can't be taken away from me, even with my permission.

I was born to feel joy and happiness, and so is everyone else.

It just took more time than I planned to realize the blessings: those from my memories, from my dreams, and those of today..
I rejoice in the thought of the blessings to come in the next moments, tomorrow, and forever.
It gives me the kick I need to put that single step forward, before I undertake the second step.

Tonight is the first night of the rest of my Life, and I'll keep enjoying it even after daylight breaks in. I intend to make this feeling last forever, through the Laughter, the Tears, and the Peace that will bless my path until I walk the path to Eternal Light.

Life is in each and every breath.
The World of Bliss is just a beautiful daydream away.
And it's free..

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